Tuesday, March 25, 2008

cambodia part iii

trying to recount what i have done for this cambodia trip

sit on a tuk tuk - check
sit on a motorbike - check
see the living condition of the orphanage - check
first time experiencing kids begging just outside the bus - check (and super heart-breaking)
seeing how simple it is to make a kid so happy - check
getting stomachache during the trip - check
eat ice cream nearly everyday - check and double checked
drank hard liquor after 2 months - small tiny little bity tick
playing with the kids in the russian market - check
nearly got lost in russian market - check (but hey that's how i get to play with the kids)
climbing around Ang kor wah (?) and tio scolding from the security - check
eat half a spider - check
make lots of friends of all kinds, you guys rock

okie now a little more photos

a little girl drawing heart shape pic~

my boy boy doingfriendship band for me ^^
super kawaii

the fire-escape place at the hotel i stayed in.

super scary at night, but a great place to watch the sun set ^^

secret hide-out place, hoho

she looks super cute with the cap

Sunday, March 23, 2008

cambodia trip part one

they were ultra cute, always together.

at the central market

this kid is super pretty

one of the kids that i took care of~

this kid too. but she ultra aggressive

so much more peaceful when she zz

therest of the orphans

one of the nicest picture i have of my kids ^^

this girl super ke ai

the guy that's drawing is my kid too! he draw super nice pictures. and actually cried on the day that we left =s

okie that's it for now. cannot have too much good things at a go *wink*

(actually just tired le, needa zz )

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

okie this is a short short summary.
had a long day ^^
went to town to meet my friends and saw bel~
then went over to one of the guys chalet.
heh, haven't seen the guys for a long long long time le ^^
only to find out miss them lots.
follow by leaving early (sorry guys..)
to meet other friends
fullstop x)
tmr's going to be another hectic day ><
ohh.. i mean today.

the big big window ^^

was just taking bus 174 which was the one that's specialised to transport handicap. one of the design that i love about it was the window x)
the clear big window
where everything that's moving on the other side of the window look like a show on its on.
then it struck me
are those that are outside the bus looking at us through the window like they are the one watching a show?
or are we the one that are looking through the window watching a show on Live?
yer know how it was said that our eyes are the windows of our soul?
is our soul looking at the world as an audience or is others looking at us performing?
chim right?
sometimes i don't even get what i'm really trying to say.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

BEP - where is the love?

pretty old song, but just fell in love with it agn.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

forgetful morning

crap.. overdrank my medicine..
forgot that i drank it already @.@
doesn't taste nice at all..

short sentence, big meaning

have been reading this book lately
(trying to increase my IQ desperately ><) . couldn't remember much of what i read, except for this phrase,
"Life is a comedy for those who think and
a tragedy for those who feel"
(PS: I have no idea if i got the whole phrase correctly~)