Monday, June 16, 2008

happy birthday zexuan~

the moment i came home i was like
there was a suspicious looking bag in my room.
it's even big enough to hide a person inside.
thanks claris ^^
was super shock -> surprise -> excited -> call you -> rip present open -> happiness x)
it was a ultra big present.
(now having a bit of trouble uploading de pic)
but really thanks girl >< .

ytd had a few mistakes here and there ut oerall was a succesful birthday bash ^^
happy 18th birthday zexuan!!
hope you had lots of fun (and embarassment =p)

basically we make him find people to sing birthday songs for him at public~

then play guitar down orchard road

(his first time playig and that got us 4 free ice cream! that was a good start x)! )

follow by the last surprise at sentosa!!


that was the highlight ^^
birthday boy!

spraying coke on de lucky one!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

heartfelt gratefulness

oh my goshhhhh

thankyou thank you thank you!!

thank you benn for starting off the day ^^
and for being ultra sneaky!!

thank you claris
oh my gosh!! i can't believe it.
it was truely the most unforgettable birthday!!!
hahhas thank you for the big big card and
ten cents for a song ^^
thank you for gettin all these beautiful people to come
thank you for making this a awesome day

thank you daph!!
oh my goshh i love the necklace ><
and thank you for picking the glasshouse~
first time eating there!!
and forbeingmy shield in the embarassment from fish and co to cineleisure ><
for planning for this memorable day~

thank you kuro wan wan
really miss you lots!!
but thank you very very much for trying to make it a happening day for me x)
may the devil of illness get no where near you x))

thank you siling and jehanne for being there!
i was super happy to see ur!
hahhas thank you for making the effort to come despite your busy schedule!
truely appreciate it!

thank you jowell gege for being there!!
i was super surprise that you were there!!
but uber happy too ^^
thank you for coming!!!
haven't seen you for a long time!!

thank you pangsai guardian angelsssss!!
(yong quan, jia qing, alvin, kenglun, chun yik, rui qin)
thank you for turning up!!
all of you really rock my world!
thank you for the Mr. BearBoxer!!
he is super cute and gay!!!
but most of all for turning up ^^
super glad to see you guys~

thank you norris and ashton for taking the time to come!
and for norris
*wink wink*
don't worry i was stil uber surprise at the end ^^
and because of your forewarning i was up a level even more happy and delighted!!
and thank you for the present that keep shaking left and right =p

thank you ze xuan for coming ^^
ahh when i saw you and benn i was like O.o
ahhh super touch and thank you for the cake!!!
and for the glittery stuff that fell on you
and just for being there!
(will repay you on sunday, heehee)

thank you kenrick and weihan!!
for calling me to listen to the music that ur play for me ^^
hahhas was surprise to receive ur call at night ^^
and to kenrick for the choolate book

thank you claris once again!
for your happiness is my happiness!
(you know what i mean =p)

lastly really wanna thank benn ^^
for being sneaky and plan today for it to become a awesome and heavenly day for me x)
for all the embarassment and happiness
for all the surprises and unglam shots~
for all the cheekiness!
xie xie!!!

all of you turn my world upside down ^^

Sunday, June 8, 2008

lolx tio complain got cobweb on my com =p
this couple weeks lazy to write ><
mm what happen lately~
well~ i'm very hyper about the coming youth camp ^^
i realise my reverse-pickpocket is being mastered by benn and ze xuan
and that i have learned rule no. 2 very very well
(look at my previous blog ^^)
and today i learn lots more about drums ^^ super happy
okie lastly i shall keep quiet and just show some pic x)

he's super heart-melt-er

super tempted to post some unglam pictures of my friends but i fear for my own safety.
takkare all you beautiful people out there!