Wednesday, August 27, 2008

day 2 of work

heehee although day 2 i still had headache but when i went for drama prac in church at night xiao juan prayed for me!
now no more headache le ^^
ahh ytd the boss starts giving me cases to do!!!
heehee i think this attachment is really fruitful ^^
other then that ytd forgot to bring my hp =x
felt sooooo cut off from the rest of the world ><*
hahhh.. next time must always rmb to bring my hp le
my most sincere apology to those that text me but i din text back in time *bow* . oh wells, time for work again~ byeeeeee~
ps: to claris, so sorry i last min couldn't do dinner with you ><
will make up to you. you are missed x)
lastly~ i present to you this morning's sun .

Monday, August 25, 2008

day one of work

got spinning head after first day of work ><
seriously i don't think i suit office kind of work =x
just one day and have headache..
how am i going to spend my next 7,8 weeks there... hahh

basically~ very very small company..
i think 4 permanent worker ( that includes the lady boss and another colleague that's gonna be sick for 2,3 weeks )
1 permanent part-time worker ( that ends work at 1... sigh.. i also want ><)
and 2 temp part-time worker! ( including me~)
4 + 1 + 2 = 7 people!!
but at least the people there are nice x)
the people there are all friendly and all seems to have a kind soul~
i hope the work will get interesting and my headache will go away ><*
okie i shall start with a short post first~
one small step at a time ><