Friday, January 23, 2009

matters of heart

mm.. i was reading some stuff when this portion caught my eyes.
"We each have our unmet needs. and we carry them around all day long like an empty cup.
In one way or another, we hold out that empty cup to the person in our lives and say,
"can someone please fill this? even a table spoon would help."
Whether we seek to have our cup filled through approval, affirmation, control, success or immediate gratification, we are miserable until something fills it."
you know what~
not to make ourselves sound pathetic and stuff.
We all do feel lonely or even hallow inside time to time.
that's when we started searching for that something else that will replace that loneliness.
i mean.. who wants to feel alone?
(okie all you hermits out there, please do not reply me)
everyone wants something out there to fill up that emptiness.
but you know what~
believe that
" no love of the natural heart is safe, unless the human heart is satisfied by God first."
but heyy, if you need just someone's companion~
you know my number x) *winks*

Sunday, January 11, 2009

old folksie

i have learnt lots and lots of stuff from yesterday.
ytd a group of my team mates, friends and i went down to a old folks home.
i learn alot about the old folks,
like how some of them ended up there
and some felt that it's alright
while for others i felt sooooo unfair for them ><*

but other then the old folks, i saw something else.
something that really makes me feel so proud and happy.
that the friends that i asked to come along are such a big heart people.
i have seen sides that i have never knew they had.
especially since for 2 of my friends that went i knew them for so long and am very close to them.
even for the time that we were tgt i have never knew that their compassion was overflowing.
and i was touched when a friend that i have just met came down to help out, even though he need not.
although they all had difficulties communicating with the old folks.
but you know what?
they tried x))
they tried to help as much as they could and even more than normal perfect stranger would to an elderly.

you guys rock on man, i pray that if we ever lose contact as we carry on down our path, i pray that i will see you guys in heaven.
tengoku ja ne~

Friday, January 9, 2009

God's grace and mercy

- free bus ride
- lost and found wallet
- surprise visit from friend
- glad for a friend
- score well well.

ahh.. Thank God for this two days.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

nearly wanna cry le ><*
ahh... was this close *measure using finger*
to lose my wallet ><* my wallet mia from my bag for nearly 2 hrs...
then i only realise it when i looking for food in my bag. >"<

heehee, lost it at the toilet~
but a kind soul pass it to the security guard, without any single thing less!
dear daddy G. please bless that person abundantly~
i pray she's a christian ^^

other random thoughts.
And when He had called the people to Him, with His disciples also, He said to them, " whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me."
do not wear the cross just for the sake of fashion.
even worldly people are wearing those,
when being asked,"where's your faith."
be ready to answer and stand upon Jesus Christ, our