Wednesday, July 29, 2009

thank you ^^

Today was super full of things ><*

firstly woke up late, end up was in a hurry for school. the punchline, i went to school and the first sentence i did was breathe in very suddenly and deeply "AHHHHHHH!!"
i forgot my friend's notes ><*

2ndly had my last marketing communication tutorial in canteen =.=
( my teacher is as forgetful as me)

3rdly ate sapprinoos pizza~~ yumm yummm~ at T's house.

4thly went to find J at tpy to head down to Ps. K's place.

delicious dinner ^^

5th, forget my lappie ><*
i only realise when E called =x

6th ice cream delivery~ yummmmm~
favourite favourite~ lovessss~

7th where all completes~
a b-e-a-u-tiful shootnig star.
i have never seen one in the longest longest~

My lovely Wednesday~
Thank you God.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

kc's big 22nd

ahhh so fast a month have passed le.

happy birthday bro!! i love you!!
heehee yesterday was a blast, thank God for claris man ohh mannn,
i owe that girl many.
(remember!! a treat from my dad at Akashi~)
HoHo, my dad promise that clar and i can go akashi and bill it to him =pp

Anyways yesterday started out with me meeting up claris mok then we walk in and started preparing about 300 waterbombs for the game
(cough cough- we are the game Mc- kinda-)
while we wait for my bro's friends to come.

They did came ahh~
but they din play the games =((
i was thinking damnit, they are sooo not going to be dry on their way home.
it's painful to tie balloons ehh, but for my bro~ oh wells.

Then i went around to take peeps funny face with clar's help to socialise with them
(mann we are the best partners in the world)
i was trying to introduce clar's as me and me as claris =pp
(managed to confuse them a bit)

then ended up knowing a whole new bunch of people while his other friends stream in.
think there's about 40 of us~ includin my fav granny~
(she's damn cute on the polo film!!)

after that blah blah blah, had dinner.
then i gathered them for a last game before the cake~
we played~ charades!!
heehee from professional to movies to guessing emotions from saying a phrase (the highlight)
the very last performer was my bro~

and he had to perform "flirtatious"
using "twinkle twinkle li' stars, how i wonder what you are~"
heehee that was the climax!!
heehee of course many thanks to the help of his best friend, Shawn.
Both of them brought up the laughter up another bar ^^

lastly ending up with the sing birthday song, annoucement, wishes, cut cake~

Taking of group photos of the masses with some of them finding the waterbomb and took one at each hands.

of course i gladly did the honour of counting for them to throw at my bro~

the small simple action turned ut to be water war~

ahh~ at least the waterbombs was cleared ^^

Happy Birthday korkor, you are the best bro ever~