Wednesday, April 23, 2008

black out!!

lolx my house just now black out ><
good thing clar was there =p
went to play firesparkles ^^ will upload pic of it.
(ohhh and it was the start of her bdae then my house black out =p)
happy birthday sweetie ^^
( will upload picture of things we do when it black out later ^^ )

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

i realise my absent-minded is super super dangerous ><
#1 lost my phone (twice and gone at it's second)

#2 lost my student card ( and to remake it is 20 bucks... where are you card-ieee)

#3 nearly lost my phone with my purse today...
(left it in sch.. then din realise it until i reach my house busstop...)

Lord.. help me.. ><

Saturday, April 19, 2008


must watch!!
when it reach halfway i was like, "oh my gosh.... so nice ^^"


i lost my phone.. (again..)
okie not exactly, it just hop out of my bag by itself. uh huh.
must really believe in myth," what was once lost, will lose itself again."
so yup people, not that i don't wanna reply, just that i couldn't ><
home-bound and Home Alone IV for 2 weeks.
oh wells..
WANTED: xinying's hp

don't fear for love's sake

i watched 2 movies this week!

okie i super don't suggest you people go and watch hottie and nottie ( wanted to watch forbidden kingdom =s but thanks to someone *ahem* )
so yarr, the first one was Run Papa Run, quite like the starting, the middle part got draggy and the end was surprising x)
mm.. was just chatting with my friend the other day,
and i was thinking of all the past misgiving and misunderstanding and every other thing that was left unsaid. if it's possible i would really love to take a eraser to rub it all off.
but since that couldn't be done, i would really dig it if people that i have lost contract with but were at least friends could come up to me and say, "hi, i don't know if you still remember me. but i hope to start anew again. my name is... "

i won't run away, but would give a warm smile. just that simple.

don't fear, for love's sake.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

okie quick review of 14th april (and before =p)
caught the show Street Kings last week with pri sch friends x)
confusing show ><
then went vivo for my discipleship follow by meeting up Elisa they all ^^
(had two ice cream that day! *loves*)
ahh then we sat down at the level 3 there~
and i went to soak my feet in the water
( it was too tempting)
anyway ended up being a guinea pig for elisa xoshe thinks the sky reminded her of the show " sky of love"
cause of the sky ^^
ahh lastly, today had cca fiesta and i'm super glad to announce that more than 170people signed up!! and it's only been day 1!!

oh well time to zz
~tired tired ~

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

a little randomness

i got back my hp ^^
it was a nice working guy who gave it back.
have been reading this book lately, love it.
simple simple words ( the way i like it )
but profound meanings.
for instance,
guy A: my heart is afraid that it will have to suffer
guy B: tellyour heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.
and plenty plenty more.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

super off-day

okie did quite a no. of things today. (and most of it is things-gone-wrong x.x )
#1 went to school late >< (sorry joyce)
cause was printing out the score, but turns out the scores wasn't of much use.
#2 met bel late (super sorry ><)
the rehearsal ran abit late, until i couldn't wait any longer..
#3 went to haji lane, was super amuse there (thanks girl ^^)
ahh got quite a no. of cool shops
(guys you can go there too!)
#4 went to toa payoh to go to church
missed the bus ><
#5 lost my phone
( and yer know what i din know until i reach home when the realisation sets in... )
and bless that kind soul who found my hp...
( someone contacted my friend and tell her that i lost my hp )
suppose to meet this kind soul tmr
(my forgetfulness had surpass me once again.... )