Sunday, July 20, 2008


just came back home~

was at church then went to find claris x)

(to clar: you can write a book about "Bullied Examples in Camp" )

i wanna say something~
thank you daddy G.
for letting my prayers come true.
#1 i brought a friend to morning service today!
really hope that God place more people around him to teach him about God's way.
i really wish to show all my friends the wonders and works my heavenly father have done for me .
and hope that they are also able to experience this most wonderful thing on earth - God's Love. so it had come true, though the result might be small but it's definitely significant.
#2 ever since i hear pastor mention about how when we pray a hedge of protection and blessing encircle us. i was pretty awe by that knowledge so since then i start praying for that hedge to surround my family and friends.
and yer know what?
He came true to His promises!
My brother was telling me just now how he nearly got into a major car accident!
whereby the 1st car collided the 2nd then the 3rd.
the 4th car which was a taxi make a emergency break, but it was super sudden that my bro was so fearful that he might hit it even when he make that emergency break.
but he stop in time to have a small marginal gap!!
praise the Lord!
but when he look into his rear mirror he was thinking "crap.."
as the (6th) car behind also made the same emergency break.
but managed to avoid my bro's car.
However the 7th and the 8th car collided ><
in short he was in the exact middle of the car accident but he came out with not even one scratch. thank God.
i really want to thank and praise God, for He does listen to our prayers.
today i learn more of God's word, and pastor tells us that
when we pray, God's presence will befall upon us, and angels - being attracted to God's presence (mind you, not attracted because of us) will come.
Thank you Jesus for i know you are in control. amen.

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