Friday, May 29, 2009

food diary!!!

roar! oh my goodness...
i have been to parklane for countless times just this week ><* today alone.. mm.. 3 times?? argh.. heehee went to catch a movie today with R. and N. weird combi =/ but it was still enjoyable ^^
and today i have started my food diary!! to take note of what i eat~
below is the list for today (pink stands for unhealthy food ><*)

morning - caramel candy
coco pops ( is this healthy...)
afternoon - instant noodle (mummy wasn't home...)
caramel candy (yummm)
ice cream cone mango sago
evening - popcorn cum ice lemon tea
2 soft shelf crab sushi
2 salmon raw sushi
3 slices of orange
conclusion of Xin Ying's diet --------> RED ALERT!!

ahh... uh oh....

i want my food now....

kinda true.. in some ways ><*

29th May -- beautiful morning

mmmmm~ think i will open up my blog after a few more blogs^^
feeling very comfortable with the few people that i select to read,
think that they are all awesome people. =DD

-yawn big big.
today wake up super early ><* now cannot get back to sleep le...
heehee have been reading this article, think it's really good.

it says that,

" Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside of us when we lives."

"Most men die from the neck up after twenty-five because they stop dreaming."

never stop dreaming kiddos~
dreams can make you do many things and achieve much more of life.
it allows us to trust God's resources since dreams tend to be bigger than all our abilities.
it allows us to continue when discouraged, for where there is no faith in the future, there is no power in the present.

and lastly one of my favourite and most chim ones.

"since nothing we intend is ever faultless, and nothing we achieve without some measure of finitude and fallibility we call humanness, we are saved by forgiveness."

i thank God for the people He placed in my life, if not i would not have known Him.
It's because..
He forgive all our sins, so that we have the ability to forgive others.
He loved us dearly, so that we can learn to love others.Jesus Christ LOVES You

Thursday, May 28, 2009

mummy's present hunt!!

heehee i love love love my blog song ^^

especially the,
"i know, i know, i know, i know, i know, i know~"
heehee my favourite part. lovesssss

just bought a Dress for my mum's birthday!!
i think i got great taste!!
i hope that the dress can bring out the best of her ^^
heehee i must must post a pic

i think it's really elegant ^^
heehee was disturbing my kor kor,
cause the salesgirl was quite pretty,
my kind of girl ^^
i told my bro if i was a boy that is the kind i will go for ^^
she even had piercing on her inner ear, awesome~
i really wanna get one...
should i??? could i????

love to spend time with my bro, he's soo funny and he's always treating me =pp
ulterior motive~

Project Rebooting

just wanna restart my life all over again,
yer know just like how you reboot your com when it's attack by virus
or just refuse to function the way you wants it to.

Heehee, God has been good to me, soo good.
That's without doubt.
It not that we do not understand His teaching or some of the lesson
that He teaches through various methods.
Just that we need occasion reminder.

I love you all you people out there.
I have not exactly met the worst of bad companies
or people who feign their friendship with you.
I am grateful.

But people, hold on to your seatbelt,
cause you can bet with your life i'm gonna change.
i don't know whether the change is for the better otr the worse,
but i will definitely change. x))

no one can take a eraser and rub off their past,
but they can definitely learn from their failures or in the pit which they fell into.

love you guys x))

random day

heehee, yesterday had fun with serene.
we ate manga sago~~ yup yup
i had one, then took another for the road =p

then we decided to be random and just hop on to the first bus that come, ending up at clarke quay.

i wanted to walk on the bridgeee.....
but.... hais... no arm muscle nia...
okie must go train~ then i can walk on the bridge ^^

then we spotted a haagen das cart~~ lovess!!
i wanted to push it home...
a couple of westerner saw us, and started taking out their camera.
i thought they wanted to take a pic of the cart so pulled serene away.
but ending up they wanted to take our pic!!

heehee, being a friendly christian of course let them take.
after that serene took a photo of me attempting to push the cart home.
(it's mine ahhhh!!! finder's keeper!!!)

had lots of fun with her ahh~
especially the part when
we wanna find a spot to slack and just chit chat about random things.
of our life, of the people in our life, of church, and of story of ourselves.

heyy we must contiue this conversation another day wor~ winks.

after that went to find my bro to get our mum's present.
heehee, my bro treat me dinner~ yayyy.
still cannot find, today will be part 2 of our serach.

my mum's bday is on saturday though.. screamss..

okie must fast fast find.

anyway CLARIS MOK!
you are suppose to find me once you are back,
not go infecting the kids at the camp.
hurrhurr, misses you tons tons.