Sunday, January 27, 2008

thinking back~

i just found out that i'm a really super slow-thinker.
( so please do not try to trick me ><)
But the thing is i tend to think back to what had happened and ponder over it.
take for instance last friday~
during my IAC last lesson, we had to find out on an charitable organisation to volunteer in and explain why we chose that organisation.
my brain was seriously not working that time, so i din contribute much
(much apologies mates~)
we chosed Children Cancer Foundation.
but i'm seriously thinking about getting involved with that organisation.
mm~ one of my friends asked why.
i couldn't answer properly then, but i think i could now.
i had once lost a friend to leukemia during sec 2.
that was most probably the first time i got to know of such a word.
she was a very nice and sweet girl, when the news came most of us couldn't believe it.
She had to endured the medication effects, that no one could clearly comprehend.
but she was definitely not the only one that was hurting, her family's and friends' heart were also bleeding.
i feel that life was super unfair to those who were diagnosed of cancer, especially the young ones. as they do not even get the chance to further their studies, to take flight with their career, or even to fall in love.
i feel that the iac qn was wrongly phrased. they asked what benefits would be brought to the organisation. But i'm certain that those volunteers definitely did not help because of the organisation, but rather the people who seeked help from it.
just felt like randoming this morning x)

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