Sunday, May 25, 2008

beautiful day x)

hahhha, fun fun ^^
had fun studying at school with elisa, benn, zexuan~
after tudying we went into a bit of hide-and-seek and counter-strike short tutorial x))
then i get to learn about someone's three laws of life
#1 do or die
#2 lie, cheat and steal
#3 never trust people =x
followed by some racist and homosexual discussion ><
ended off nicely with finding direction of north south east west =x
takkare people ^^
current status: mugging cum slacking at friend's house

Friday, May 23, 2008

secondary sch days

ahhh a little tiny bit blur~ and taken about a month plus plus back =p
but damn cool!
it was daph's bdae celebration ^^
took it with a polaride cam~
a nice lady (who happens to be a photographer ) help us take it!
to all you guys out there you guys rocks and are heart x))

Sunday, May 18, 2008

the CUBE

went to church today~
had lots of laughters after church ^^
especially when we were doing THE CUBE test on ze xuan, hao hong, dominic and titus ^^
the process and result was amusing ^^
(sort of got it flim using zexuan's hp - i wanna kope that video clip!)
with benn doing most of the asking x)
titus answers was the best among them =x
(heehee, inside joke)
something i saw on de way home ^^

after that had bbq!
i was only incharge on the entertainment side ^^
where i got my cousins to do THE CUBE test
and brought out firesparkles and everything else.
was trying to make a rocket out of alot of firesparkles
(but verdict: mission failed.)
oh wells~ will try that next time ^^
firesparkles ^^

Friday, May 16, 2008


"xinying you have changed so much that's beyond recognition"
someone just told me that recently.
have i changed for the better? or the worse?
why did i changed?
am i still me?
did i change because of my surrounding?
cause everything around me revolve so much and so fast.
have i lost myself within it?
i mean we always want to be someone unique,
someone different from de rest.
but who are we truly?
have we become someone else we are not?
deep down inside, who are we?
*scratch head*
oh wells one of my random thoughts~ x)

Friday, May 9, 2008

8th and 9th of april x)

i finally watched Iron Man! x))
super nice!! really if you haven't watch it, go gO GO!!
watched it yesterday with benn, titus, clar, en shen, yi fan, kian chew~ x)
thanks for coming! x)
(at first i thought it'sgoing to be very little people ><><)
after that had pool, it was de first time i was ever trash with zero balls that went in ><
(but it's by my shi fu,so i guess that's fine =p)
oh yar and i finally got my drums sticks!!
(i seriously don't understand what you guys are asking me to feel for x.x)
all of them just have de same purpose: whack de drums. ( okie, maybe heads too =p)
today just had a long day~ was having ief when ms koh poh tee was giving us lesson of life. her words really does put us thinking and place our life into motion. i mean apart from her sarcasm she speaks of great teaching
qn. would we become someone who's needed by the world?
or would we become discarded?
after school i was on mission! x) mother day's mission ( just had my mother's day dinner)
went to get flowers for my grandmama and my mummy and my aunt.
successfully smuggle it at de back of my dad's boot w/o anyone knowing =p
then genius-ly got my younger cousins to follow me out to get de surprise~ and then voola!
operation successfully carried out ^^ really glad to see all their happy face x)
to all the awesome mothers in the world!
happy mummy's day! the awesome mums

one of de flowers i customed-made=p

where all my money grew wings and flew away

my daddy! he was looking at some art piece, thought de light was practically glowing on him x)

my bros with his silly look.

my drum sticks x))

*currently listening to nickleback - if everyone cared x)*
and end!

Monday, May 5, 2008

a day w/o a meal

today have a super contented feeling.
woke up a little late though... was late for church >< (forgot breakfast) and ah i managed to archieve a good thing today =p make serene wear skirt on sunday ^^ that went against her principle, heehee. after service learnt how to play drums (kudos to benn) although slow learner but one tiny step at a time xD (missed lunch) went parklane to play lan. wasn't that good... ahh but wanna learn how to play dota ^^ (i have no idea how to play) went sixth ave to study~ (guai bah...) (skipped dinner) first time skipping meals throughout de day ><
i guess daddy G filled up my stomach x)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

revival to my blog

okie i realised my blog is dying.
must send some revival to it.

done lots of things, but just couldn't remember de details well.

Clar stayed over during her birthday x)
the power sorta died somewhere after 12.
(this is the part where the pleasant surprise was suppose to come.. but yar sorry love.)
managed to find my firesparkles and decided to have fun in spite of de sudden death.
("if you can't win them, join them" -- chessy i know, i know.)
but we had fun ^^
we were playing songs from my hp, and when "you reign" was playing de light came back`

clar + fire sparkles = blur pictures

clar's night we meet up yuan at Central.
Her bday wish: to be a little closer to heaven
xinying - clar's genie granted her wishes - Bungee jump

but strongly suggested we drink first x.x before we do something stupid.

(below: morphine x - nice warm feeling when it hits de stomach)
the silly thing that we did.
it was amazing, but not when we were facing downward cause we can't really feel the strap on us...

did alot of other stuffs.. hmm..
managed to kidnapped about 13 people to church * victory sign*
thanks people ^^ super happy ur could make it.

played lots of pool this few weeks ><
and i realised my church friends have alot hidden pros. x))
(i salute.)

below is a very very cute little boyboy from one of the church couple ^^
(sorry people.. i don't really remember names that well... along with many other things)

super super cute ^^

ytd just had chocolate fondue, kudos to kenrick ^^
forgot to take pic though.....
but this was what my eyes feast on on the way home.
although it's uber sunny, but it sure brightens up my life x)