Sunday, May 18, 2008

the CUBE

went to church today~
had lots of laughters after church ^^
especially when we were doing THE CUBE test on ze xuan, hao hong, dominic and titus ^^
the process and result was amusing ^^
(sort of got it flim using zexuan's hp - i wanna kope that video clip!)
with benn doing most of the asking x)
titus answers was the best among them =x
(heehee, inside joke)
something i saw on de way home ^^

after that had bbq!
i was only incharge on the entertainment side ^^
where i got my cousins to do THE CUBE test
and brought out firesparkles and everything else.
was trying to make a rocket out of alot of firesparkles
(but verdict: mission failed.)
oh wells~ will try that next time ^^
firesparkles ^^

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