Monday, June 8, 2009


heehee i skipped youth last week to give my ganma a surprise visit ^^
some of my friends ask me why i private my blog,
but it's because i don't wanna let my life be read like a open book to others,
be it my happiness or sadness or deep thoughts or randomness.

i went to get a bouquet of red roses for my ganma.
( i have always loved giving people flowers, for normally the people around them feels that it's a waste of money which have short life span, but i think it's for the moment of happiness that i wanna give them~ )

she send such a sms to me and my gan jie today.

"很少人知道, 干妈最喜欢 红玫瑰.

像我这样笃定(有把握) 的人怎么那么女人呢?

在很年轻时候我为了 买红玫瑰, 可以把零用钱省下来.

玫瑰有非常短暂的生命力, 三两天就凋 谢了.

于我来 说,只要 灿烂地开过,就已经足够了

所以,我特别喜欢 红玫瑰.

平生第一次收到那么一束玫瑰, 真的很感动,谢谢你们"

heehee super touched and happy that she like it~
heheh~ it also mean my ganpa hasn't been been very thoughtful wor~
-winks. kidding kidding~

just hope that her love tank is filled up by at least abit by now ^^

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