Monday, June 1, 2009

the day between May to June

Got two assignment to rushed last night ><*
--> one which i should have handed in last week, but i din.
--> another (sales scenario) which i'm still unsure of what to write...
blogging while waiting for the ideas to flow into me~

sighh.. wake up damn early for this...

Tired.. last min work is still -cross cross super badd ><*

yesterday pei my mummy dearest the whole day to consider it a birthday gift from me to her.
The sermon yesterday was quite good,
thank God it happen to be Gospel Sunday,
the message was really intended for my mum.
It also gives out a wake up call, to me.
The wake up call is not new, but it served as a reminder.
Pray hard people, that salvation to occur with your loved one before Death takes them.
yesterday sermon was about the unexpected moment of death,
that we would not know when we will die even if it seems like we still have a long road to go.

okie, i think i got some ideas flowing in le~ back to work ^^

to claris: thanks girl, heehee that picture was helpful ^^
but still you owe me realllll big!! and you know why -winks

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