Saturday, June 13, 2009

bridge walk~

heehee yesterday was fun ^^
went home from claris's place at noon then rest for awhile then went over school for project meeting~ after which met up with dennis, ze xuan and claris ^^

we went over to vivo to shop around and ta-pao food out of republic cause to full le ><*
then we ate at the grand stand where random people are singing random songs on the stage (free performance~)
heehee, after that we went over to mount faber~
dennis say it's the first time he was on mount faber ( did i spell it correctly??)
we took quite a few pictures and ended up at the super nice bridge!!
will post the pics when i get the photos ^^
spend quite a while there arrr~ found a spot to chit chat~
from random tings like stars to serious stuff~ it was damn shiok~
just sitting down and chit chat x)) the bridge was very cooling as well ^^
on the way back we were also talking about each others pai-kuan (bad habits) more so for us to improve ahhh~ think it's really good ^^

anyway peeps~ must go take a walk at the bridge at night wor~ -nice nice ^^

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