Wednesday, July 29, 2009

thank you ^^

Today was super full of things ><*

firstly woke up late, end up was in a hurry for school. the punchline, i went to school and the first sentence i did was breathe in very suddenly and deeply "AHHHHHHH!!"
i forgot my friend's notes ><*

2ndly had my last marketing communication tutorial in canteen =.=
( my teacher is as forgetful as me)

3rdly ate sapprinoos pizza~~ yumm yummm~ at T's house.

4thly went to find J at tpy to head down to Ps. K's place.

delicious dinner ^^

5th, forget my lappie ><*
i only realise when E called =x

6th ice cream delivery~ yummmmm~
favourite favourite~ lovessss~

7th where all completes~
a b-e-a-u-tiful shootnig star.
i have never seen one in the longest longest~

My lovely Wednesday~
Thank you God.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

kc's big 22nd

ahhh so fast a month have passed le.

happy birthday bro!! i love you!!
heehee yesterday was a blast, thank God for claris man ohh mannn,
i owe that girl many.
(remember!! a treat from my dad at Akashi~)
HoHo, my dad promise that clar and i can go akashi and bill it to him =pp

Anyways yesterday started out with me meeting up claris mok then we walk in and started preparing about 300 waterbombs for the game
(cough cough- we are the game Mc- kinda-)
while we wait for my bro's friends to come.

They did came ahh~
but they din play the games =((
i was thinking damnit, they are sooo not going to be dry on their way home.
it's painful to tie balloons ehh, but for my bro~ oh wells.

Then i went around to take peeps funny face with clar's help to socialise with them
(mann we are the best partners in the world)
i was trying to introduce clar's as me and me as claris =pp
(managed to confuse them a bit)

then ended up knowing a whole new bunch of people while his other friends stream in.
think there's about 40 of us~ includin my fav granny~
(she's damn cute on the polo film!!)

after that blah blah blah, had dinner.
then i gathered them for a last game before the cake~
we played~ charades!!
heehee from professional to movies to guessing emotions from saying a phrase (the highlight)
the very last performer was my bro~

and he had to perform "flirtatious"
using "twinkle twinkle li' stars, how i wonder what you are~"
heehee that was the climax!!
heehee of course many thanks to the help of his best friend, Shawn.
Both of them brought up the laughter up another bar ^^

lastly ending up with the sing birthday song, annoucement, wishes, cut cake~

Taking of group photos of the masses with some of them finding the waterbomb and took one at each hands.

of course i gladly did the honour of counting for them to throw at my bro~

the small simple action turned ut to be water war~

ahh~ at least the waterbombs was cleared ^^

Happy Birthday korkor, you are the best bro ever~

Saturday, June 13, 2009

bridge walk~

heehee yesterday was fun ^^
went home from claris's place at noon then rest for awhile then went over school for project meeting~ after which met up with dennis, ze xuan and claris ^^

we went over to vivo to shop around and ta-pao food out of republic cause to full le ><*
then we ate at the grand stand where random people are singing random songs on the stage (free performance~)
heehee, after that we went over to mount faber~
dennis say it's the first time he was on mount faber ( did i spell it correctly??)
we took quite a few pictures and ended up at the super nice bridge!!
will post the pics when i get the photos ^^
spend quite a while there arrr~ found a spot to chit chat~
from random tings like stars to serious stuff~ it was damn shiok~
just sitting down and chit chat x)) the bridge was very cooling as well ^^
on the way back we were also talking about each others pai-kuan (bad habits) more so for us to improve ahhh~ think it's really good ^^

anyway peeps~ must go take a walk at the bridge at night wor~ -nice nice ^^

Friday, June 12, 2009

birthday bashhhh

heehee -bigbig grin

really wanna thank everyone who came for the surprise party ^^
my poly cliques: en shen, beatrice, tye wei, malcom
pri school-ies: Fanessa, ashley, yifan
secondary-schoolies: ashton, ashton's girl, norris (you watched out!!), rui qin, kenglun, jia qing, chun yik, chun yik's girl, Yong Quan, alvin x))
churchies: stanley, hao hong, irene, winston, sharon, elisa, serene, oon jin, daniel, dominic, dennis, sebastian, zexuan, jolene, jan and of course benn ^^
my jie mei: jessica, daphne, shi wan and last but definitely not the least moka -hug tight tight

(i hope i din miss out anyone ><*) but you guys are the best man.. really. especially Benn, claris, my dad ( sponsor), my two bros, KC and KH who ran around getting the food. thank you guys for the presents and cards, i appreciate the cards alot alot ^^ and to benn benn, thank you for being the operator of the day ^^ and yup the surprise really worked out ^^ i only figure it out towards the end of the plan -grin to claris mok mingjun, reall thank you ahhh ><* super shock to see that many people><* then you ran around so much for me even though your knee is hurting, will pray alot alot for you de!! but really claris.. thank you~ -heart to the people who came: you guys rocks arrr.. sorry for not being much of a host to you ><* but thanks for spending either one day of your holiday or your study break or your after-work life time with me~ really appreciate it ><* i really thank God for giving me His birthday gift to me especially. #1 He amended my relationships with people, that's the best gift i feel i have received next to claris & co. surprise party ><*

#2 He placed seeds in my hands, 2 of my friends ask if they can visit my church one day, super excited ^^ really pray for them to come with open hearts x)) that's one of the best gifts i can get.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

a stroll in the park~

heehee went to toast box today to do project on toast box~
easier to brainstorm that way x))
then my grp realise we were de only youths eating toast box~
not very popular with youth huhh~

then went to eat island cremery ^^ -lovesss~
heehee follow by taking a random walk at botanic garden and finding my favourite place in it.

Monday, June 8, 2009


(i think i am conquering the whole cinema)

nicenice ^^
heehee, really like the show~ may even consider getting the vcd when it's out~
they changed UP to sep =((
ohh well in the meantime i hope that the shows coming out are good x))

anyway now for the big qn.
ipod classic or itouch~ hmmm..

120GB vs 16GB
non-touch screen vs touch screen
ok-looking vs sleek look...
30 000 songs vs 3500 songs
$400 Vs $500

sigh... i don't know...


heehee i skipped youth last week to give my ganma a surprise visit ^^
some of my friends ask me why i private my blog,
but it's because i don't wanna let my life be read like a open book to others,
be it my happiness or sadness or deep thoughts or randomness.

i went to get a bouquet of red roses for my ganma.
( i have always loved giving people flowers, for normally the people around them feels that it's a waste of money which have short life span, but i think it's for the moment of happiness that i wanna give them~ )

she send such a sms to me and my gan jie today.

"很少人知道, 干妈最喜欢 红玫瑰.

像我这样笃定(有把握) 的人怎么那么女人呢?

在很年轻时候我为了 买红玫瑰, 可以把零用钱省下来.

玫瑰有非常短暂的生命力, 三两天就凋 谢了.

于我来 说,只要 灿烂地开过,就已经足够了

所以,我特别喜欢 红玫瑰.

平生第一次收到那么一束玫瑰, 真的很感动,谢谢你们"

heehee super touched and happy that she like it~
heheh~ it also mean my ganpa hasn't been been very thoughtful wor~
-winks. kidding kidding~

just hope that her love tank is filled up by at least abit by now ^^

Sunday, June 7, 2009

blood flow!!

today went for blood donation with claris and ah zheng~
heehee brave people brave people!!
not saying that dennis and the others aren't,
dennis wanted to but still have a few months to go before his 18th~
soooo~ we made a promise to go after his birthday ^^

heehee then went to find my bro for dinner at ECP
was tired until high =xx
i realise when i am super tired i will become super high~

oh wells~

arm sore sore now~
but still worth it ^^

save a life~ donate blood =DD

Saturday, June 6, 2009

blood - urhhs...

today watch Blood - the last vampire...
no good no good.
warning to my dear people~
i repeat
and repeat
and one more time repeating

"do NOT , like i say do NOT watch that show -yucks!"

ewww eww eww
stupid show.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

RIP ipod

Xinying's Ipod

to the wonderful companion, friend and entertainer
forgive me for being such an ass to lose such a great creation.

may you be in good hands.

for that one kg~

just went to gym~
jump into the pool~
steam bathe
and drink cold chrysanthemum tea~

hahhahas, must start exercise exercise~
on the mission to lose one kg
-big big grin

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

heehee today was fun ^^
it's always fun with my projectmates around ^^
they are sooo full of nonsense =DD

especially having a pai car (crippled) T.W. in our clique
a debater-till-the-end E.S.
a pretty B.
a funny and humourous T.
and a korea-love S
including a-spokes-man-who-grabs-teacher's-attention-for-us-hence-allowing-us-to-sleep M.

mhmm~ fun fun fun ^^

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

bus 190

this few day have been watching alot alot movie ><*
heehee, though ytd was fun ^^
my friend and i even did coconut tree dance in the bus ^^
(heehee, especially since i holds the camera -big big grin)

along the bus 190~

moviee attack!!!!

currently watched too much movie le ahh ><*

Monday, June 1, 2009

the day between May to June

Got two assignment to rushed last night ><*
--> one which i should have handed in last week, but i din.
--> another (sales scenario) which i'm still unsure of what to write...
blogging while waiting for the ideas to flow into me~

sighh.. wake up damn early for this...

Tired.. last min work is still -cross cross super badd ><*

yesterday pei my mummy dearest the whole day to consider it a birthday gift from me to her.
The sermon yesterday was quite good,
thank God it happen to be Gospel Sunday,
the message was really intended for my mum.
It also gives out a wake up call, to me.
The wake up call is not new, but it served as a reminder.
Pray hard people, that salvation to occur with your loved one before Death takes them.
yesterday sermon was about the unexpected moment of death,
that we would not know when we will die even if it seems like we still have a long road to go.

okie, i think i got some ideas flowing in le~ back to work ^^

to claris: thanks girl, heehee that picture was helpful ^^
but still you owe me realllll big!! and you know why -winks

Friday, May 29, 2009

food diary!!!

roar! oh my goodness...
i have been to parklane for countless times just this week ><* today alone.. mm.. 3 times?? argh.. heehee went to catch a movie today with R. and N. weird combi =/ but it was still enjoyable ^^
and today i have started my food diary!! to take note of what i eat~
below is the list for today (pink stands for unhealthy food ><*)

morning - caramel candy
coco pops ( is this healthy...)
afternoon - instant noodle (mummy wasn't home...)
caramel candy (yummm)
ice cream cone mango sago
evening - popcorn cum ice lemon tea
2 soft shelf crab sushi
2 salmon raw sushi
3 slices of orange
conclusion of Xin Ying's diet --------> RED ALERT!!

ahh... uh oh....

i want my food now....

kinda true.. in some ways ><*

29th May -- beautiful morning

mmmmm~ think i will open up my blog after a few more blogs^^
feeling very comfortable with the few people that i select to read,
think that they are all awesome people. =DD

-yawn big big.
today wake up super early ><* now cannot get back to sleep le...
heehee have been reading this article, think it's really good.

it says that,

" Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside of us when we lives."

"Most men die from the neck up after twenty-five because they stop dreaming."

never stop dreaming kiddos~
dreams can make you do many things and achieve much more of life.
it allows us to trust God's resources since dreams tend to be bigger than all our abilities.
it allows us to continue when discouraged, for where there is no faith in the future, there is no power in the present.

and lastly one of my favourite and most chim ones.

"since nothing we intend is ever faultless, and nothing we achieve without some measure of finitude and fallibility we call humanness, we are saved by forgiveness."

i thank God for the people He placed in my life, if not i would not have known Him.
It's because..
He forgive all our sins, so that we have the ability to forgive others.
He loved us dearly, so that we can learn to love others.Jesus Christ LOVES You

Thursday, May 28, 2009

mummy's present hunt!!

heehee i love love love my blog song ^^

especially the,
"i know, i know, i know, i know, i know, i know~"
heehee my favourite part. lovesssss

just bought a Dress for my mum's birthday!!
i think i got great taste!!
i hope that the dress can bring out the best of her ^^
heehee i must must post a pic

i think it's really elegant ^^
heehee was disturbing my kor kor,
cause the salesgirl was quite pretty,
my kind of girl ^^
i told my bro if i was a boy that is the kind i will go for ^^
she even had piercing on her inner ear, awesome~
i really wanna get one...
should i??? could i????

love to spend time with my bro, he's soo funny and he's always treating me =pp
ulterior motive~

Project Rebooting

just wanna restart my life all over again,
yer know just like how you reboot your com when it's attack by virus
or just refuse to function the way you wants it to.

Heehee, God has been good to me, soo good.
That's without doubt.
It not that we do not understand His teaching or some of the lesson
that He teaches through various methods.
Just that we need occasion reminder.

I love you all you people out there.
I have not exactly met the worst of bad companies
or people who feign their friendship with you.
I am grateful.

But people, hold on to your seatbelt,
cause you can bet with your life i'm gonna change.
i don't know whether the change is for the better otr the worse,
but i will definitely change. x))

no one can take a eraser and rub off their past,
but they can definitely learn from their failures or in the pit which they fell into.

love you guys x))

random day

heehee, yesterday had fun with serene.
we ate manga sago~~ yup yup
i had one, then took another for the road =p

then we decided to be random and just hop on to the first bus that come, ending up at clarke quay.

i wanted to walk on the bridgeee.....
but.... hais... no arm muscle nia...
okie must go train~ then i can walk on the bridge ^^

then we spotted a haagen das cart~~ lovess!!
i wanted to push it home...
a couple of westerner saw us, and started taking out their camera.
i thought they wanted to take a pic of the cart so pulled serene away.
but ending up they wanted to take our pic!!

heehee, being a friendly christian of course let them take.
after that serene took a photo of me attempting to push the cart home.
(it's mine ahhhh!!! finder's keeper!!!)

had lots of fun with her ahh~
especially the part when
we wanna find a spot to slack and just chit chat about random things.
of our life, of the people in our life, of church, and of story of ourselves.

heyy we must contiue this conversation another day wor~ winks.

after that went to find my bro to get our mum's present.
heehee, my bro treat me dinner~ yayyy.
still cannot find, today will be part 2 of our serach.

my mum's bday is on saturday though.. screamss..

okie must fast fast find.

anyway CLARIS MOK!
you are suppose to find me once you are back,
not go infecting the kids at the camp.
hurrhurr, misses you tons tons.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

music love love

listening to music?
more of ><
currently hook on to some of the ultimate classics - BB kings
just love love the way he plays guitar.
can totally see his passion~
his songs never fail to let a smile crept onto my face.
hahahs BB kings you are the man~

Friday, January 23, 2009

matters of heart

mm.. i was reading some stuff when this portion caught my eyes.
"We each have our unmet needs. and we carry them around all day long like an empty cup.
In one way or another, we hold out that empty cup to the person in our lives and say,
"can someone please fill this? even a table spoon would help."
Whether we seek to have our cup filled through approval, affirmation, control, success or immediate gratification, we are miserable until something fills it."
you know what~
not to make ourselves sound pathetic and stuff.
We all do feel lonely or even hallow inside time to time.
that's when we started searching for that something else that will replace that loneliness.
i mean.. who wants to feel alone?
(okie all you hermits out there, please do not reply me)
everyone wants something out there to fill up that emptiness.
but you know what~
believe that
" no love of the natural heart is safe, unless the human heart is satisfied by God first."
but heyy, if you need just someone's companion~
you know my number x) *winks*

Sunday, January 11, 2009

old folksie

i have learnt lots and lots of stuff from yesterday.
ytd a group of my team mates, friends and i went down to a old folks home.
i learn alot about the old folks,
like how some of them ended up there
and some felt that it's alright
while for others i felt sooooo unfair for them ><*

but other then the old folks, i saw something else.
something that really makes me feel so proud and happy.
that the friends that i asked to come along are such a big heart people.
i have seen sides that i have never knew they had.
especially since for 2 of my friends that went i knew them for so long and am very close to them.
even for the time that we were tgt i have never knew that their compassion was overflowing.
and i was touched when a friend that i have just met came down to help out, even though he need not.
although they all had difficulties communicating with the old folks.
but you know what?
they tried x))
they tried to help as much as they could and even more than normal perfect stranger would to an elderly.

you guys rock on man, i pray that if we ever lose contact as we carry on down our path, i pray that i will see you guys in heaven.
tengoku ja ne~

Friday, January 9, 2009

God's grace and mercy

- free bus ride
- lost and found wallet
- surprise visit from friend
- glad for a friend
- score well well.

ahh.. Thank God for this two days.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

nearly wanna cry le ><*
ahh... was this close *measure using finger*
to lose my wallet ><* my wallet mia from my bag for nearly 2 hrs...
then i only realise it when i looking for food in my bag. >"<

heehee, lost it at the toilet~
but a kind soul pass it to the security guard, without any single thing less!
dear daddy G. please bless that person abundantly~
i pray she's a christian ^^

other random thoughts.
And when He had called the people to Him, with His disciples also, He said to them, " whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me."
do not wear the cross just for the sake of fashion.
even worldly people are wearing those,
when being asked,"where's your faith."
be ready to answer and stand upon Jesus Christ, our